Six of the best ab exercises for women

Half the battle of getting that elusive flat tummy is knowing which exercises work (and which don’t). This six-step core workout is designed to define your abs, strengthen your core and work your obliques. You’ll turn excess weight into muscle and end up with killer abs your friends will be jealous of.

8 mins

6 Step Core Workout

This six-step core workout is designed to define your abs, strengthen your core and work your obliques. You’ll turn excess weight into muscle and end up with killer abs!


54 cal


Exercise Mat

7 Exercises

Plank • Toes


Reaching Crunch • Alternating


V Sit-Up

12 reps

Rest • Take a Break


Mountain Climbers With Brazilian Crunch

15 reps

Reverse Plank


Twisting Plank

12 reps

Benefits of this workout

  • Focuses on technique
  • Raises heart rate
  • Increases fat burning
  • Promotes a flat tummy
  • Improves posture
  • Reduces risk of injury

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